Iā€™m New Here

Sunday Morning Service

Our Sunday service begins at 10:00 am and typically ends around 11:30 am.

Children can be checked-in to their class before the service (Nursery - 2nd Grade). Our 3rd-5th Graders will worship in the Sanctuary with the adults. After the time of worship has ended, the 3rd-5th Graders will move to the Lower Level. The K4-5th Graders will be divided up in age appropriate classes where they will learn and grow.

If you need personal prayer, our prayer team is available during worship and after the service.

Our goal is to deliver a message, from the Bible, that will be both encouraging and challenging in your faith.


We are located on M-40, one mile South of I94, in Paw Paw, MI.

61070 M-40, Paw Paw, MI 49079

(269) 224-4883